+39 075 393 621 info@incipitconsulting.it Ferriera Via dei Mastri,1 - Torgiano (PG)
Maria Stella Minuti


  • Degree in Economics and Business (University of Perugia)

Areas of expertise

  • Quantitative analysis of the tourism sector
  • Market researches
  • Territorial analysis and tourism observatories
  • Revenue Management
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Tourism management of cultural heritage and UNESCO properties
  • Accessible Tourism

Professional experiences

  • Incipit consulting - founding member (June 2014)
  • Centre for Studies on Tourism (Assisi) – lecturer, researcher (September 1991 - May 2014)
  • University of Perugia - adjunct professor (1998- 2010)
  • NETTUNO Consortium of Universities for distance learning – lecturer, tutor, examiner (1992-2007)
  • IRRES - Regional Institute of Economic and Social Research of the Umbria Region - researcher of economics (1987-1991)


  • Designer, project manager and coordinator of EU community projects
  • Project manager of research and consultancy projects
  • Member of research and consultancy team
  • Author of scientific publications
  • Speaker at conferences
  • Organizer of scientific-technical conferences
  • Designer of training paths
  • Project manager / coordinator of training projects
  • Tutor of training projects
  • Designer and author of educational materials
  • University and master lecturer
  • Vocational trainer for employees and managers
  • Vocational trainer in post-diploma courses


  • "DATATUR Trend e statistiche sull'economia del turismo (DATATUR Trend and statistics on the tourism economy)".Client: Federalberghi (2011-2018). Activity: data processing and drafting of the 10 thematic chapters.
  • "Il Barometro del Turismo (Tourism Barometer)". Client: Federalberghi (2015-2018). Activity: data processing and drafting of synthetic comments.
  • "Sommerso turistico ed affitti brevi (Undeclared tourism and short term rentals)". Client: Federalberghi (2016-2018). Activity: data processing and analysis and drafting of the research reports
  • "Il valore del marchio UNESCO per la città di Assisi (The value of UNESCO brand for the city of Assisi)". Client: City of Assisi (2012). Activity: analysis of tourism demand and supply, direct survey and interviews with stakeholders.
  • "Lo sviluppo turistico nei siti del patrimonio UNESCO. Principali caratteristiche e trasformazioni indotte (Tourism development in UNESCO heritage sites: main features and induced transformations)". Client: Italian Association of UNESCO World Heritage Cities and Sites (2012). Activity: analysis of the characteristics and dynamics of tourism in the Italian cities of art. Monitoring and evaluation of current trends (IDES System).
  • "Caratteristiche e dinamiche del turismo umbro (Characteristics and dynamics of the Umbrian tourism)", study for the Application dossier of PerugiAssisi European Capital of Culture 2019. Client: Foundation PerugiAssisi2019 (2012).Activity: analysis of tourism in Umbria.
  • "Caratteristiche e tendenze del turismo del vino in Italia (Characteristics and trends of wine tourism in Italy)". Client: Movimento Turismo del Vino (2012). Activity: implementation of the survey on the characteristics of the demand, analysis of the results.
  • "Osservatorio dei siti UNESCO italiani (Observatory of the Italian UNESCO sites)". Client: City of Assisi (2010). Activity: definition of the system of indicators for monitoring, analysis of the factors affecting the site: anthropic and environmental pressures.
  • "Il turismo del benessere in Umbria (Wellness tourism in Umbria)". Client: Umbria Region - Regional Observatory on Tourism (2009). Activity: analysis of the characteristics of wellness tourism, analysis of supply and demand.
  • "Turismo per tutti in Umbria (Tourism for all in Umbria)". Client: Umbria Region - Regional Observatory on Tourism (2009).
  • “Rapporto sul turismo all'aria aperta (Report on open-air tourism)". Client: Faita (2007). Activity: report on outdoor accommodation (camping sites and tourist villages), demand analysis.
  • "Sviluppo turistico e territori lenti (Tourism development and slow territories)", with the support of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Perugia (2007). Activity: definition of a system of indicators for the identification of slow territories.
  • “Ricerca per la valutazione e la definizione di linee strategiche per lo sviluppo del turismo culturale in Umbria (Research for the evaluation and definition of strategies for the development of cultural tourism in Umbria)", with the contribution of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Perugia (2005). Activity: direct survey on the demand.
  • "L'analisi dei fabbisogni formativi e professionali del settore turismo (Analysis of training and professional needs in the tourism sector)". Client: EBNT (Ente Nazionale Bilateral Tourism) (200-2001). Activity: analysis of the main features and trends of tourism in Italy.

  • CST, international conference Tourism Management and Sustainability of Heritage Sites: the Role of Education and Training - Assisi, 22 November 2013 - presentation “Her.cul.es: attività e risultati (Her.cul.es: Activities and Results)”.
  • University of Perugia, conference Il valore della lentezza per il turismo del futuro (The value of slowness for the tourism of the future) - Perugia/Orvieto, 13-14 June 2012 - presentation "Turismo sostenibile, "turismo per tutti": l'accessibilità come elemento di qualità e volano di sviluppo dei sistemi turistici territoriali ("Sustainable tourism, tourism for all": accessibility as quality element and driving force for the developement of local tourism systems)".
  • Italian Ministry of Heritage and Cultural Activities, conference Il patrimonio di tutti, patrimonio per tutti (The heritage of all, heritage for all) - Roma, 6 December 2011 - presentation "La fruizione dei luoghi della cultura italiani: la domanda attuale e potenziale delle persone con disabilità (The fruition of Italian places of culture: current and potential demand of people with disabilities)".
  • Town of Catania - CityLab project, conference Buone prassi di turismo accessibile (Good practices of accessible tourism) - Catania, 20 November 2009 - presentation "Il ruolo strategico della formazione come fattore di sviluppo del "Turismo per tutti" (The strategic role of training as development factor of "Tourism for all")".
  • GO SLOW ITALIA, conference Costruire i paesaggi lenti e sensibili in Italia: esperienze a confronto (Building slow and sensitive landscapes in Italy: comparing experiences) - Monza, 19 September 2009 - presentation "Gli indicatori della lentezza: un modello di analisi sperimentale per l'individuazione dei territori lenti (The slowness indicators: a model of experimental analysisfor the identification of slow territories)".
  • ITB Conference in Berlin Training Accessible Tourism for All - Trends and Tools - Berlin, 10 March 2007 - presentation EU project EU.FOR.ME - Tourism training for a wider target".
  • Fifth International Conference Yeld and Revenue Management - Assisi, 3-5 September 2000- presentation "Controlling YM Process in the Hospitality Business: Developement Guidelines".

University courses

  • Statistica del turismo (Tourism statistics), course of the Master Degree Programme in "Economia del turismo (Economics of Tourism)" - Faculty of Economics - University of Perugia (A.Y. 2007/2008 – A.Y. 2009/2010);
  • Statistica economica e analisi di mercato (Economic statistics and market analysis), course of the Master Degree Programme in " Economia del turismo (Economics of Tourism)" - Faculty of Economics - University of Perugia (A.Y. 2002/2003 – A.Y.2006/2007);
  • Statistica del turismo (Tourism statistics), course of the Bachelor Degree Programme in "Economia del turismo (Economics of Tourism)" - Faculty of Economics - University of Perugia (A.Y.1997/1998 - A.Y.2001/2002);
  • Programmi speciali d'informatica per l'ottimizzazione dei risultati delle imprese turistiche (Special programs in computer science for the results optimization of tourism businesses), workshop of the Bachelor / Diploma Degree Programme in "Economia e gestione dei servizi turistici (Economics and Management of Tourism Services)" - Faculty of Economics - University of Perugia (A.Y.1994/1995 – A.Y.2008/2009), module: La previsione nell'ambito dello Yeld Management (Forecasting in the context of Yield Management).
Advanced education and training
  • Il sistema statistico del turismo e Tuismo per tutti (The statistical system of tourism and Tourism for all) within the university master in “Comunicazione e Management per il settore turistico (Communication and Management for the tourism sector)”, CST and University for Foreigners of Perugia - Assisi and Perugia, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 editions.
  • Tecniche statistiche per il marketing culturale e territoriale (Statistical techniques for cultural and territorial marketing) within the M.I.L.E.S. course for “Esperto nella progettazione, realizzazione e promozione di iniziative di alta formazione sulle musiche e culture di Europa e Mediterraneo (Expert in the design, implementation and promotion of advanced training initiatives on the music and culture of Europe and the Mediterranean)”, PO Basilicata, Centro Servizi Matera - Matera, 2012.
  • Il sistema statistico del turismo (The statistical system of tourism) within the master "Cultural Routes". Creation and Management of Cultural Routes, CST in partnership with the Route of the Phoenicians and Tuoro sul Trasimeno - Tuoro sul Trasimeno, 2011.
  • I metodi di previsione per il Revenue Managenet (Forecasting methods for Revenue Management) within the master in “Hospitality Management”, National Committee of Young Hoteliers (CNGA) Federalberghi - Rimini, 2010.
  • Controllo delle attività a fini statistici (Control of activities for statistical purposes) within the IFTS course for “Tecnico superiore per la ristorazione e la valorizzazione dei prodotti territoriali e delle produzioni tipiche (Higher technician for the restaurant sector and for the enhancement of local products and typical productions)”, 2007.
  • Statistica del turismo (Tourism statistics) within the “Hospitality Management” Integrated Project, Mida Equipe - Trapani, 2003.
  • Elementi di matematica e statistica per l'applicazione economica (Elements of mathematics and statistics for economic applications) within the IFTS course “Tecnico della ristorazione (Technician for the restaurant sector)”, 2001.
  • Metodologia della ricerca (Research Methodology) within the course “Esperto in marketing turistico (Expert in tourism marketing)”, DES - Siracusa, 2000
  • Statistica del turismo e analisi di mercato (Tourism statistics and market analysis) within the course “Formazione dei Formatori Sud (Trainers Training – Southern Italy)”, CST in agreement with the Ministry of Labour - Assisi, 1998.
Vocational and managerial training
  • Progettare e realizzare prodotti per il turismo per tutti (Design and implementation of products for tourism for all) within the course for "Esperto nella realizzazione di reti integrate per lo sviluppo del turismo enogastronomico (Expert in the creation of integrated networks for the development of food and wine tourism)" - Assisi - 2013.
  • Tecniche statistiche orientate al CRM (Statistical techniques for CRM) within the course for "Esperto in Customer Relationship Management per l'informazione e l'accoglienza turistica sul territorio (Expert in Customer Relationship Management for tourist information and welcoming in the territory)", Call Culture and Employment 2008 ESF and Umbria Region - Assisi - 2010.
  • Definizione, tendenze e caratteristiche del turismo lento e La pianificazione del prodotto per un turismo accessibile (Definition, trends and characteristics of slow tourism and Product planning for accessible tourism) within the course for "Specialista nella creazione e commercializzazione di prodotti per il turismo della lentezza (Specialist in the creation and commercialisation of products for slow tourism)", Call Culture and Employment 2008 ESF and Umbria Region - Assisi - 2010.
  • L'accessibilità dei servizi alberghieri e Revenue Management (The accessibility of hotel services and Revenue Management) within the course for "Esperto dei servizi di ricevimento specializzato nella promozione turistica integrata di micro itinerari turistici (Reception services expert specialised in the integrated promotion of tourism micro itineraries)", CST in partnership with UDS - Assisi - 2009.
  • Le fonti statistiche ufficiali sul turismo (The official statistical sources on tourism) within the course for "Esperto per la creazione ed organizzazione di pacchetti turistici per la valorizzazione delle risorse culturali e ambientali (Expert in the creation and organisation of tourist packages for the enhancement of cultural and environmental resources)", CST in Temporay Association with GSI Italia Gruppo di Solidarietà Internazionale, funded by the ESF and by the Region of Umbria - Assisi - 2007.
  • Metodi di ottimizzazione dei risultati nelle imprese turistiche (Optimization methods of tourism businesses results) within the course for “Specialista di processi organizzativi e gestionali nelle imprese turistiche (Specialist of organisational and managerial processes in tourism businesses)”, CST in Temporary Association with the University of Perugia financed by the ESF and by the Region of Umbria - 2007.
  • Conoscere le tematiche del turismo accessibile (Knowing the issues of accessible tourism) within the course for "Cultore delle tradizioni locali per la valorizzazione turistica del territorio (Local tradition expert for the tourism enhancement of the territory)", funded by the ESF and by the Province of Perugia - 2007.
  • Tecniche elementari di analisi dei dati, Generalità sui metodi statistice e Rappresentazioni grafiche (Basic techniques of data analysis, Generalities on the statistical methods and Graphical representations) within the course for "Specialista in Customer Relationship Management per le aree naturali protette (Specialists in Customer Relationship Management for the protected natural areas)" funded by the ESF and by the Umbria Region - 2006.
  • L'utilizzo della statistica per le imprese turistiche: strumenti di elaborazione e principi di interpretazione dei dati e Le fonti statistiche per il turismo (The use of statistics for tourism businesses: processing tools and principles of data interpretation and Statistical sources for tourism) within the course for "Esperta in promozione del territorio (Expert in promotion of the territory)", CST in collaboration with the Arco Consortium and Eurostrategie, Perugia - 2002.
  • Fonti statistiche nel turismo (Statistical sources in tourism) within the course for "Imprenditrice esperta in beni culturali (Female entrepreneur expert in cultural tourism)", CST in collaboration with the Arco Consortium and Eurostrategie, Perugia - 2002.

Community Projects

  • Project design in response to European calls
    Coordination and management of projects falling under Community programs, including:
  • A.L.L. Across the Lombards' Lands (2016-2017), COSME program, coordinator
  • APP TOUR YOU Innovative accessible tourism training through self learning and assessment app and collaborative platforms for tourism sector operators (2015-2017), Erasmus+ program, Project manager for Incipit
  • Her.cul.es - Strengthening the attractiveness of European Higher Education in Heritage and Cultural Tourism (2011-2013), Erasmus Mundus, coordination
  • Eu.For.Me - Tourism training for a wider target (2004-2006), Joint Actions program - Socrates, Leonardo da Vinci, Youth, Project manager for CST
  • HERCULIA - Equal Local Entrepreneurial Human Cultural Resources and Environment (2000-2006), Equal, Project Manager for CST
  • Design of the training path of the Training project BET CB 062 11 “Vocational Training for Palestinian Tourist Operators of Micro Tourist Facilities (Guesthouse and B&B)” financed by the PMSP (Palestinian Municipalities Support Program)
  • Participation in the Erasmus program - teachers (A.Y. 2006-2007) holding a seminar in English at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster entitled: Tourism in Italy - Performances and Potentials


  • Minuti M.S. (2014), "The Erasmus Mundus Project Her.cul.es - Strengthening The attractiveness of European higher education in Heritage and Cultural Tourism. Activities and Results" in Almatourism - Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development, Vol 5, No 2 (2014) Special Issue Her.cul.es;
  • Minuti M. S. (2012), “Turismo sostenibile, “turismo per tutti”: l’accessibilità come elemento di qualità e volano di sviluppo dei sistemi turistici territoriali”, Referred Conference Proceedings: “Il valore della lentezza per il turismo del futuro”, Perugia/Orvieto (TR), 13-14 giugno 2012, Sinergie - italian journal of management;
  • Minuti M. S. (2010), “I caratteri e le tendenze della domanda e dell’offerta turistica”, in Bracalente B. (a cura di), Caratteri strutturali e scenari di sviluppo regionale. L'Umbria verso il 2020, FrancoAngeli, Milano, pp. 196-237;
  • Minuti M.S. (2009), “Gli indicatori della lentezza” in CST, Sviluppo turistico e territori lenti, FrancoAngeli, Milano, pp. 107-138;
  • Desinano P., Minuti M.S., Schiaffella E. (2005), "Controlling the Yeld Management Process in the Hospitality Business" in Sfodera F. (ed.), The Spread of Yeld Management Practises - The Need for Systematic Approaches, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 65-77;
  • Minuti M.S. (2000), "Il turismo in Italia", in Poeta S. (a cura di), L'analisi dei fabbisogni formativi e professionali del settore turismo, FrancoAngeli, Milano, pp. 169-182;
  • Berretta M., Desinano P., Minuti M.S., Schiaffella E., Sfodera F., "Yeld Management. Uno strumento innovativo per la gestione dei ricavi nelle imprese uristiche", in Economia & Management, N.2 - Marzo 2000, pp.73-90.

  • "Statistica economica e analisi di mercato" (anni vari), dispense ad uso interno degli studenti del Corso di Laurea Specialistica in Economia del Turismo;
  • "Metodi statistici per la segmentazione della domanda" e "Le rilevazioni Campionarie" (1999), in Marketing turistico, software ipertestuale prodotto nell'ambito del progetto Magellano coordinato dal CST;
  • "La previsione delle vendite orientata allo Yield Management" (1999), in Yield Management per le piccole e medie imprese ricettive, software ipertestuale prodotto nell'ambito del progetto UFC '98-'99, diretto da G. Peroni, CST Assisi.